Kow Ainoo-Ansah, is the Head for Project Development for the Quantum Group.
Prior to joining the Quantum Group, he worked with the wildlife Department of the Forestry Commission on an European Union sponsored project to resource and improve two forest reserves in Ghana.

Also, worked in the African office for the United Nation’s Food Agriculture Organization. He was a member of the team that was tasked to manage the project to effectively deploy a new Enterprise Management system in all country offices within the African Region.

At Quantum, he has been instrumental in the development of the Early Power Limited Power Project, where he was Quantum’s representative on the construction and commercial matters on the 13,600m3 LPG infrastructure in Tema.

Throughout his career, Kow Ainoo-Ansah has worked with culturally diverse teams and has honed the skill of developing and managing key business relationships.
He holds a bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Cape Coast and an MBA

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